Hello everyone, hope you are having a great day. I just moved to Edinburgh to start my PhD study. I am not sure how often I can upload the video but I will try my best to upload it at least once a month.
Since I just moving in, many things still not in place yet, so today I come with a video about this easy and simple project that I made for myself. A pen holder from recycling can.
Pattern instruction
Rnd1: 2 ch, 6 sc in the 1st chain, sl :: 6 stitches
Rnd2: 1 ch, inc in next 6 st, sl :: 12 stitches
Rnd3: 1 ch, [sc in next st, inc] 6 times, sl :: 18 stitches
Rnd4: 1 ch, [sc in next 2 st, inc] 6 times, sl :: 24 stitches
Rnd5: 1 ch, [sc in next 3 st, inc] 6 times, sl :: 30 stitches
Rnd6: 1 ch, [sc in next 4 st, inc] 6 times, sl :: 36 stitches
Rnd7: 1 ch, [sc in next 5 st, inc] 6 times, sl :: 42 stitches
Rnd8: 1 ch, [sc in next 6 st, inc] 6 times, sl :: 48 stitches
And I think you can see the trend in the pattern, keep increase until you cover or nearly cover the bottom of the can, then crochet sc in the each stitch the going up and cover the side of the can.
Rnd9 and repeat until it cover the can:
1 ch, sc in each st, sl :: 48 stitches
But today I am gonna change the color along the way so;
Rnd9 - Rnd12: 1 ch, sc in next 48 st, sl :: 48 stitches
Change color to green(seeing tip on how to change color seamlessly in the video)
Rnd13 - Rnd14: 1 ch, sc in next 48 st, sl :: 48 stitches
Change color to pale green
Rnd15 - Rnd17: 1 ch, dc in next 48 st, sl :: 48 stitches
Change color to green
Rnd18 - Rnd20: 1 ch, sc in next 48 st, sl :: 48 stitches
Change color to gray
Rnd21 - Rnd24: 1 ch, sc in next 48 st, sl :: 48 stitches
Cut the yarn and fasten off
And its done!!
Visit private policy for more detail: https://amigurumipianosound.blogspot.co.uk/p/pattern-poly.html
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แถว1: วงกลม, 6x, c - 6
แถว2: โซ่1, 6v, c - 12
แถว3: โซ่1, xv*6, c - 18
แถว4: โซ่1, 2xv*6, c - 24
แถว5: โซ่1, 3xv*6, c - 30
แถว6: โซ่1, 4xv*6, c - 36
แถว7: โซ่1, 5xv*6, c - 42
แถว8: โซ่1, 6xv*6, c - 48
เพิ่มไปเรื่อยๆ จนกว่าชิ้นงานวงกลมของเราจะคลุม หรือเกือบๆ คลุมก้นกระป๋อง แล้วค่อยถัก x ลงหลักละหนึ่งเพื่อ ให้โค้งขึ้นคลุมกระป๋องด้านข้าง แล้วซ้ำไปเรื่อยๆจนกว่าจะคลุมหมด หรือสูงเท่าที่เราต้องการ
แถว9-จนสูงเท่าที่ต้องการ: โซ่1, x ลงหลักละหนึ่ง, c - 48
เพราะวันนี้จะเปลี่ยนสีดังนั้น แพทเทิร์นที่ใช้เป็นดังนี้
แถว9-แถว12: โซ่1, 48x, c - 48
แถว13-แถว14: โซ่1, 48x, c - 48
แถว15-แถว17: โซ่3, 48F, c - 48
แถว18-แถว20: โซ่1, 48x, c - 48
แถว21-แถว24: โซ่1, 48x, c - 48
ตัดไหมปลดปลาย เสร็จแล้ว
Ți-a părăsit soțul sau soția viața fără nicio explicație bună care să te facă confuz și să-i dorești înapoi în viața ta? Dr. Ilekhojie este omul potrivit pentru această slujbă, el este un puternic jucător de vrăji binecuvântat de strămoșii săi și acceptat de zei ca purtător de cuvânt pe pământ, Dr. Ilekhojie mă ajută să-mi salvez casa spartă aducându-mi înapoi soțul la mine cu vraja sa puternică . Eu și soțul meu am fost separați 9 luni fără comunicare, dar cu vraja exprimată de Dr. Ilekhojie, el s-a întors și suntem din nou o familie fericită. Contactați doctorul Ilekhojie dacă vă confruntați cu orice fel de probleme de viață și aveți nevoie de o soluție rapidă. Viber sau Whatsapp: +2348147400259 sau e-mail: gethelp05@gmail.com
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